maandag 22 oktober 2007

The life of the Palestinians has indeed become hell

Most of the Palestinians live below the poverty line, many on the threshold of hunger, some in an actual state of hunger. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children suffer from malnutrition. Every village has become a prison camp, completely surrounded by roadblocks. Traffic is impossible. Many Palestinians cannot reach their place of work, hospital, university or school or bring their produce to market. Israeli occupation forces prowl in the towns and villages, demolishing homes, arresting or killing Palestinian fighters, peace activists as well as women and children. The distant sound of an airplane engine is enough for the whole population to hold their breath!


It is impossible what we hear in this time about the Palestinians in their country. They have no wishes and no freedom to do their activities of the day in a safe living. What is wrong in this world, nobody can speak about it. You America where are. You are the man who has power in this world, and give right. Is this the justice about the situation in Palestine. My eyes can’t believe it. We are her safe whereas Israeli occupation forces prowl in the towns and villages, demolishing homes, arresting or killing Palestinian fighters. The Palestinian fighter have well a right to fight the Israeli occupation because it is their country.

Many people desire peace for world

Many Americans hate the killing, maiming, and destruction that war causes. Many people from countries around the world would like to see peaceful solutions to the world's problems. Yet, in every nation there are factions who benefit from militarism. Time and again, these factions manage to convince gullible citizens that war is honourable and necessary. The point? Very simple. People in this world make a big mistake when they make assumptions regarding people of other nations. They think we need to accept the fact that we are all just human beings, many of whom want to live in peace and harmony with the rest of the world.


I think we also need to accept that there are a lot of fanatical people looking to blow up themselves and many innocent people in the name of their mistaken beliefs. The world citizen has a very nice thought. Most of us would love to be able to live and raise our families in a climate of love and peace. To bad for all of us that history tells us that there is always some person, group, or nation that thinks that everyone should follow their example. This entity will try all means to force the rest of us to accept their rule.

zondag 14 oktober 2007

Should President Putin be prime minister?

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has announced he will be a candidate for the dominant United Russia party in the forthcoming parliamentary elections. Mr Putin has also said it was possible he might go on to become Russia's prime minister. He is due to step down as president early next year, at the end of his second term. He is not allowed by the constitution to run for a third consecutive term as president but could return at a later date. Do you agree with President Putin's attempt to stay at the centre of power in Russia? Will it help the country or do you think he should retire from politics at the end of his presidential term?


The Russian people alone can decide what is right for their country. If the majority of Russians want Mr Putin to remain at the centre of political power in their country, then the world should respect that choice. But the Russian people should maybe look at their democracy before complaining about another countries. And must know what he makes when he was a prime minister in his time.

How safe do your children feel at school?

Almost half of all children have had property stolen from them at school, a survey by a charity suggests. The Howard League for Penal Reform claims that almost all - 95% - of those surveyed have suffered some kind of victimisation.,Paul Fawcett, of Victim Support, said young people are "not getting support" from parents and teachers. As a consequence, they "feel they have to find their own solutions", many of which are violent.How can we better protect children? Are you a parent or a teacher? Have your children encountered such problems?


To safe the childeren at school is the responsibility of the school. But outside the school is the responsibility of the parents. Protecting childeren is one of the most problem by the parents. Because you have childeren who listen good to the parents and the other ones don’t listen to. So it is difficult to protect them. I think that can on one way. If the parent raised the childeren good from their babyhood and childhood. That’s the only solution. Otherwise when they get a child. Encounter the childeren many problems at school, and even with parents.

Should the world prepare for war with Iran?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, has accused the US of being the world's "real threat" and defended his country's nuclear programme.
Should the world prepare for war with Iran? What do you think about it?